Sunday, June 8, 2014

Some Endo Tips

Finding the time, where do I find  time? Though I feel I am doing nothing, I feel I am always busy!

With my children out of school on summer holiday, things get all messed up and schedules are completely off. Summertime brings insomnia to me. I tend to stay awake until three or four a.m. and wake later in the morning. That being said.

This cycle of Endo flare of was designed by a demon, I swear it. The pain, the exhaustion all of it has been mortifying. Pain pills, hot bathes, heating pad (caused another problem I will explain later) and everything I can think to dull the pain so I can at least rest.

My lower back, hips,pelvis,right flank,entire lower abs, and legs have been aching in this battle. At one point I was ready to just remove everything and replace them all with plastic parts. I just couldn't find a 3D printer! I am on week two of Sprintec, taking Percocet,Promethazine, an Zophran if they nausea becomes extremely bad, which it has been horrid.

My frustration is building with things I can't do. I could not lift my bottle of water last night because it was too heavy. So I ended up getting a small glass to put my water in. Every time I moved, pain shot down my side into my pelvis and down my legs. It is times like these that I get upset, and get frustrated. Luckily, I have people who understand, and start to pick me up when I start to get down.

Now, today I wanted to share some information on help with issues having Endometriosis can cause.

Toasted Skin Syndrome, yes it's a real thing, and it was discovered on my lower back. Why? A year and half of using a low setting heating pad. It's a horrible looking rash, that may or may not go away. So I'm no longer using my heating pad, so I am increasing my pain medications. Just another thing Endo has caused. But, I'm not giving up. I am simply taking steps to clear the rash, take good care of myself, and learning what I can and can't do. For any endo sister with the Toasted Skin Syndrome, I will place a link to pics of it here, and I will tell you, the most recommended way to help rid yourself of this is to take away the heat, exfoliate as much as possible, and use Bio Oil, found at Walmart, Walgreens and other stores.

Help with bloating. Many of us get bloated in an instant, even after just a drink of water. Most suggested ways to help with Endo tummy were water pills, cucumber-mint-lemon infused water, and gas pills. Though please do not do these things thinking it will make you seemingly five month pregnant endo tummy flat, wrong, it will just make it a little easier to deal with. I have found some extremely awesome endo tummy day pants! I will post the link here, they are actually scrubs, but a very giving material, and awesome drawstring only waist. Then I ordered tunic tops to help as well. Yoga pants a few sizes too big also help, and I have a collection of shirts that are two to three sizes too big as well. For summer, I purchased a pair of maternity shorts and a pair of maternity Capri pants for those days, and pair them with a long tunic top Avoid too much caffeine on those days, and try not to wear tight clothing. It will only hurt more. Also, bending is a major issue on those days. I have found if I bend at the knees , not my waist on those days it helps. Get up and move around, difficult I know, but it actually will help a bit.

On days when getting up and down are difficult, I have solved this issue by having a tote near me. I have a tote that I carry from my room in the morning, to my sofa or where ever I am going to be. Containing, my tablet,charger for phone,small bags of meds I may need,lotion,socks,pen, notebook, my kindle,chap stick, hair ties, and anything else I may need during the day. So I have it in one place, and I don't have to get up and down on the harsh days of moving. Then at night, I take it to my room and can use what I need from my bed as well. I also have a wooden lap desk big enough for my tablet/laptop with a drawer for things I might need, so I can work from the sofa when the PAC chair is not comfortable

Helpful links as mentioned above
For more help with Endo issues Endo Hope