Monday, June 30, 2014

Oh, fun in the ER

Time to update again.

I have been completely under the weather the last two weeks. Between a nasty endo flare, and something wrong with my digestive system, I've been doing a lot of sleeping and pain management.

I visited my general Dr for pain in my stomach and upper intestine. He noted it was gas from the x ray and gave me Linzess (ibs medication) and laxatives. A week later I was still bloated enough to be seven months pregnant and having horrible bowel issues. I was becoming dehydrated, weak and losing weight quickly. Then the pain started to be more in my right side. I again saw my GP and he thought it could be my appendix, so off to the ER Friday to find out what the heck was happening.

While there, in the waiting room my endo decided now was a good time to kick in the pain. The staff was very helpful, they got me back as soon as possible and took all my vitals. My bp was high then started dropping. I was given an iv, they did blood work,urine samples and vitals. Then put me in a room and the Pit Dr came to see me. He pushed on my tummy and sides and had a very sad look when he saw endometriosis on my file and kept saying, "I know this hurts when I push but I need to." He ordered full work up on blood, urine and a ct scan.

My blood work was good, my liver, pancreas and kidney function was good as well. But I was severely dehydrated, two weeks of diarrhea will do that to you. So they started IV fluids and we waited for the Ct scan to happen. They gave me three shots of morphine, I won't ask for pain meds, but they were watching my heart rate go up when the pain was getting bad and give me meds. They also gave me Zofran. Then off to the CT Scan. I couldn't remember if I was allergic to iodine or not, so they did the dye and iodine, took the scan, then moved me to my room.

Ten minutes later they gave me a does of benadryl, I was allergic to the iodine after all. I did okay then the itchy started again, they dosed me with Atarax to see if it would help. I started feeling less itchy and my hands stopped swelling. They gave me another shot of morphine for the pain while waiting on results. I was hurting so bad from the endo I was actually shocked. I never go to the ER for the pain, I just treat at home and breathe through it. They gave me three doses of morphine, and two of percocet and STILL I was feeling the endo pain as though I'd taken nothing for pain at all. It did kill the pain in my right side and stomach from whatever was wrong there. But it scared me that morphine took care of kidney stone pain, but did nothing for the endo. YIKES

The results, CT Scan showed my appendix was fine, but my stomach and first part of intestine were extremely inflamed. They found nothing in my blood, no reason, so they do indeed think it is Crone's Disease. They kept me a while longer to be sure I was not allergic to the meds they gave me and watching for a secondary reaction. I was placed on oxygen, given more Atarax, because my oxygen dripped to 82, after that they administered epinephrine. My oxygen came up to 97, my fingers were no longer blue, so they dosed me for pain on the way home and let me leave. But I had to promise to see the GI as quickly as possible.

Now, I will say this, I know we endo girls catch a lot of crap when we go to the ER for pain and to see Dr's. But Saint Francis of Tulsa was amazing. The two nurses, the Dr and the PA all were so kind. They understood my endo pain, were so very kind and the PA kept checking on me and giving me meds and warm blankets to comfort me. I was very grateful to them all and will be sending a thank you basket of goodies to them. It is not every day you meet such kind and caring people in the ER.

So we came home, Scott had the kids overnight, so I just went to bed. Saturday I discovered I am allergic to the ibs meds they sent me home with, Bentyl. I ended up having an extreme reaction, and was unsure if it was the Bentyl or a secondary reaction to the iodine. I didn't take it again, I am to take it three times a day, until this morning when the reaction was gone, and yup I am indeed allergic to the Bentyl. I get to add two new things to my growing list.

So Sunday,I woke up late, slept like a rock once I fell asleep, but was able to at least make my bed. I was given the ok to try soft food, soup, to see if my system can handle it. Well, I will be on jello a while. My system did not handle the soup at all, and now I'm all red and itchy from the meds. Ick. Later that day I ended up back in the ER for allergic reaction to one of the rx's they sent home with me. Epi Pen, Steroids and antihistamines and I'm doing better today!

On a positive note, Ruby the Endo Roo will be here soon! Ruby was made by a wonderful endo sister that is trying to raise awareness for Endometriosis. She takes Ruby everywhere with her and when people ask her, she explains endo to them. So many of us wanted a Ruby of our own that she started taking orders for us to get one. Mine was shipped out Saturday! I can't wait to get her, to help spread the word! She will be going everywhere I go, and I have designed cards with Endometriosis information to give anyone that asked about it. Spreading the word, fighting for awareness, and a better future for the next generation of women.

I hope you are all enjoying your summer, as much as possible. I've not really been out too much this year, but I have made myself a promise to go out and get some sun everyday,even if only for 15 minutes.

All my love,

Ruby The Endo Roo
One of these three will be here soon!
Photo published with permisson from