Thursday, October 30, 2014

My Nephew Was Murdered.

My Nephew Was Murdered

I am not sure I've ever spoken all that in one sentence out loud, before. My 1 year 10 day old nephew was murdered. Taken from this life, on purpose. Not in a car accident, not by a mistake, but murdered. Murder, that is two loved ones in my life that were taken from me in such a way. My nephew, a sweet, round cheeky boy, with the most beautiful blue eyes. He just took his first steps, had his first Halloween, he and my son were 15 days apart in birth. My nephew was murdered.

Someone made the decision to end his life, take his ability to grow up, grow old, and experience everything he could in life. He was murdered. He didn't die from old age, he didn't have poor health, he didn't choose to leave, he was taken. By who? Well, we all have our thoughts on that subject, but truth is, we do not know, and we may never know.

When we learned a few months after his death, when the reports arrived, that it was a homicide, I didn't want justice, I was not screaming for the head of whoever was responsible. I knew that them serving jail time, or being put to death, would serve as nothing to my heart. I wanted to know one thing. WHY?
What motivated a person to crush enough painkillers to kill more than one adult, and give them to a one year old cheeky little boy? What kind of monster does this, then attends his funeral as though they loved him. I say that, because everyone with access to him was at his funeral. I remember standing up on the stage to deliver the speech and poem my sister requested I compose, and seeing faces of everyone that "loved" him, and everyone that was close to him, that day, the last day. I looked at them as I spoke wondering, who and wanting to just blurt out.. WHY????

October 25,2003 my nephew celebrated his big one year birthday. November 4,2003 he left this world at the hands of a cruel person.

Why am I sharing this. Because you parents need to listen up. You need to understand that your ONE job in this world is to protect your children!

Garrett was left with the next door neighbor, a friend of my sister, and his regular babysitter. A known pothead and allegedly a dealer of narcos. His father was in another city after a accident requiring a hospital stay. His mother, my sister, took Garrett to the sitter next door, and asked them to keep him overnight. She wanted to drive to OKC to see the father. The next day, the sitter went to wake him, he had an ear infection so he had meds that my sister left for him to take, and they were not concerned that he "didn't seem right" because of the infection. The husband checked on him and saw he was blue. He was gone.

My sister did indeed go to OKC, but never went to see the boyfriend/father, she instead went to her mother's and no one knew that. No one could get ahold of her to tell her. She arrived home late that night and the sheriff told her.

What happened? I don't know. I do know, that my sister left her child with a drug addict, and a person she herself had purchased drugs from in the past..... so the point.... if you have a child, and you can't be responsible, give it to someone that can. Before that child ends up in a two foot long casket. They should not make them so tiny. If you see a child who is in danger, alert the authorities. Save a child from torment, abuse, and possibly death. DO SOMETHING. And for pete's sake, protect your children. Do your job!