Thursday, May 8, 2014

Getting Settled In...

Okay, I've been tweaking a few things, trying to get things the way I want them here. It is a slow process, but it will eventually look like home around here.

Yesterday was a horrible day, as far as endo issues go. Just before taking my daughter, Cyan, to school pain hit in my right side. So intense I doubled over in pain and immediately started vomiting. That put every on hold for the day. Nine in the morning and I was already taking pain meds, which I resort to the VERY LAST on my list of dealing with endo. I spent the day, reading, relaxing on the sofa, and with my hot water bottle as my best friend.

I have a Dr. check up May 16, to see how I am doing on Lupron Depot and set up to receive my second (three month) shot, for the six month treatment. I'm hoping it works, though after the pain yesterday I have all but resolved to just removing the ovary that remains. I hate the "wait and see" between appointments and having to get all these different things completed before I get answers. But then, do we actually ever get solid answers? Not really, just their best guess at something they don't even understand themselves.

I've decided I am going to make a "memory board" of sorts, to place my favorite uplifting quotes and sayings on. Yesterday, one of my endo sisters said something that made me think about doing this. She talked about how Endo is not my life, just a part of it, and to make the most of the pain free days. So I will get started on that this weekend I am hoping, and will of course share as soon as it's complete.

The last 9 months I've been looking for the perfect bracelet to wear, for awareness, but also with encouragement when I need it most. I finally found one from Bravelets. I ordered and should have it early next week. Be Brave. Words we all have to live by.

So, here I am, looking for ways to spend my summer, creative ways that is. I am undergoing other treatment that requires my not being out in the sun unprotected, so I am going to tap into my creative side this summer. I have started a mini desert garden, inspired by Poli's picture of one his neighbors created. I also plan to do a mini rain forest garden. The memory board, and create a few things with spoons. Filling my time to be able to not be disappointed if I can't go out and do things. 

Here is to hope that the Lupron works... Here's to a good summer, and here is a HUGE THANK YOU to the endo sisters on Twitter, and now here on blogger, that keep me going, answer my questions, and laugh with me over hot waves aka hot flashes! 

Have a wonderful day!